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Removing the cylinder when the problem occurred
  Posted:2014-04-28  Views:1537

Removing the hydraulic cylinder is a problem when the first hydraulic circuit relief should be made , or when the hydraulic cylinder coupled to the pipeline joints loosen , the loop will be agile low-pressure oil spray . Relief first hydraulic circuit should loosen the hand wheel or relief etc. regulator screw so that the pressure oil unloading, and then cut off the power or energy source , the hydraulic installation stalled running.
1 , before and after unloading unloading conditions invention to try to avoid the hydraulic cylinder parts are surrounded by dust and impurities purification .
2 , the machine in order to avoid a slender rod and other pieces of twists or deformed, supporting the use of skids equilibrium hold. Removing the top threaded rod should avoid harm , port threads and rod appearance , cylinder inner wall .
3, after the demolition of the hydraulic cylinder to be carefully reviewed to affirm what parts can inherit use , what parts can be repaired before use , which parts must be replaced .
4 , should be demolished in sequence . Because the structure and size of the various hydraulic cylinders are not the same, the demolition order is also slightly different.
Individual oil fuel tanks should let go of the two chambers of Chongqing , then disassemble the cylinder head , piston and piston rod finally demolished . When removing the cylinder head , on the card key type coupling ring card key or card to use special tools to prevent the use of flat shovel ; flanged cap on top of the necessary screws , hammer or hard to pry not permitted .

How hydraulic cylinder repair

1, with oxygen - acetylene flame grilled scratches site, the perennial metal surface oil seepage baked , grilled to no sparks were flying .
2 , the site will scratch the surface treatment with angle grinder , grinding depth of 1 mm or more, and grinding out a trench along the rail , preferably dovetail groove . Scratch deeper drilling at both ends , changing the forces .
3 , will reconcile uniform Wah Mei - Salvo Blue 2211F metal repair materials applied to scratch the surface ; first layer should be thin , uniform and full coverage to scratch the surface in order to ensure the best bonding material and the metal surface , and then after repeatedly pressing the coated material to repair the entire site to ensure infill material to achieve the required thickness , so that the surface is slightly higher than the rails .
4, the material at 24 ℃ fully meet the performance needs 24 hours , in order to save time, you can raise the temperature by tungsten halogen lamps , the temperature of each upgrade 11 ℃, curing time will be shortened by half, the best cure temperature 70oC.